226 Cottage St. Pawtucket, RI 02860

What a Professional Lobbyist Can Do For You

Virtually any organization—individual businesses, business and industry groups, professional and trade associations, civic groups, interest groups, non-profit organizations—can benefit from being represented by an experienced and reputable professional lobbyist.
Lobbying is simply advocacy—having your voice heard and your interests represented in the give and take of the political arena. It is an integral part of our Democratic system of government.

What makes an effective lobbyist to represent your organization?

Why We're The Best

Lobbyist Robert D. Goldberg, a lifelong resident of Rhode Island, has decades of personal experience in the Rhode Island legislature and working within the committees, commissions, boards and councils that carry out the daily business of governing the state. At the age of thirty-six, he was elected to serve as Senate Minority Leader, and served in that capacity until leaving the Senate. As Senate Minority Leader, Robert Goldberg served on all standing Senate committees. 

These qualities and many others, make the lobbyists at Goldberg Law Offices unsurpassed. In fact, in the October 2010 edition of Rhode Island Monthly, Robert Goldberg was named one of the most influential Rhode Islanders, referring to him as “the state’s most powerful lobbyist.”

Through many years of hands-on work, helping to shape legislation and the details of regulation, our lobbyists have built the relationships that provide essential access to the halls of government.

When you seek lobbying representation in Rhode Island, turn first to the knowledgeable, experienced, proven professionals of Goldberg Law Offices.

Lobbying Representation Areas
Past & Present

Gaming / Lotteries


Environmental / Regulatory

General Business


Health Care



